- TBL on URI and U&I http://reg.cx/1LGK /via chapeau @networkpolitics #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/8Xc8yh well, could it happen? #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/9xBPGv photo tagging as tool, practice, discourse. Augmenting the reality of the visual #birkbeckmedia #olympicarcades #
- http://j.mp/arU39q 'sole means of expression' on select social network… Photos. #olympicarcades #
- http://j.mp/dw7RmG and as if to prove it, a link #birkbeckmedia #
- Good to see that Google knows there is still a role for people http://www.benedelman.org/hardcoding/ #olympicarcades chapeau @cshirky: #
- chapeau @dtapscott traffic jam tomorrow for citizen media? http://ow.ly/3btRu #birkbeckmedia #
- Many thanks to @juspar for 'murmurating' around #olympicarcades I promise not to try and follow up every lead you gave me Jussi! #
- Thanks to @tweetcdf for a great day exploring #content2bdifferent check out their Live Web party moves. #
- Check @mickpound (w'shop delegate) use Facebook. Simple aim, simple delivery. Simple effective. http://on.fb.me/bcK258 #content2bdifferent #
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