- http://j.mp/hlRv2o 'content farms' Buttering up mountains? Whine lakes? Subsidies? Organic vs pesticides? #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/fD4v87 social read/writing with everyone, just your 'friends', just those who you agree with? #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/hIBwzv distributed image editor to go with distributed images and distributed imag(in)ing #olympicarcades #
- http://j.mp/dQgKCF no links? The perfect tabletpaper for the patron saints of the walled garden, Steve and Rup #birkbeckmedia #
- "#solidarity is trending" the new "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, out out, out" #
- http://j.mp/fgGwlX support a real street as 'perfect christmas' space. #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/eOHQeg cameron's country, boris' london and now the mail's web #birkbeckmedia Stuck in the middle (England) with you. #
- http://j.mp/epQwvt interesting connection of book publishing and Flickr #olympicarcades #
- chapeau @andymiah NY Times more popular the smaller it gets #birkbeckmedia #
- Stats as entertainment. Annoying muzak but heh. #content2bdifferent #
- the University of Strategic Optimism: http://universityforstrategicoptimism.wordpress.com go on gizza job I can do that… chapeau @juspar #
- Authoritarian populism 2010 style: Evian and a Glastonbury loo from the TSG. #demo2010 #
- Chapeau @adw_tweets: "Social Media Can Not be Measured in a Snapshot" Yep! quality not quantity, #content2bdifferent http://ow.ly/3eEDn #
- Mute point. Book launch. "possibility of critical public art within a regime that fetishes ‘creativity’" #birkbeckmedia #
- Chapeau @juspar for 'Bildersalat" (salad of pictures) and 'Bildwissenschaft'… untranslatable but very distrib imag(in)ing #olympicarcades #
- Nice chaps @thehubevents doing a survey on social media at work so stop doing that spreadsheet and http://bbc.in/hmPMf8 #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/e2uFqw how one hyper local does it #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/gavNfM are hyper local citizen media writers embedded? #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/hH2lXU the problem of pay walls is the small barriers. The penny problem. #birkbeckmedia #
- Gendered sharing. Men are from news women are from family. #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/9gBgC8 no print, no web, just pad? Jobs and Rupe Selfish Giants meet in the walled garden #birkbeckmedia #
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