- Chapeau @jayrosen_nyu Yahoo 'sunsets' Delicious http://jr.ly/6drn there goes a good edu-tool. #birkbeckmedia #
- Jolicloud, leaving aside the owenership and control (and maybe privacy) issues, what a groovy OS. Who needs to wait for Chrome? #
- Journalism as 'poring over data' or maybe 'pouring'. #birkbeckmedia http://gu.com/p/2yppq/ip #
- Hate capitalism? Download a book for Christmas. Chapeau @ubuweb #
- "context management" as a new journalism. http://jr.ly/6dhx(via active, read/write, crowdsource timelines #birkbeckmedia @jayrosen_nyu) #
- I wonder what extras would have been published on wikileaks. #
- January workshop/surgery in London. Come along and I'll give some #content2bdifferent thoughts on your Live Web work. #
- http://pulsene.ws/vro7 imag(in)ing the impact "WE" are having. #content2bdifferent #
- Chapeau@jayrosen_nyu mashing up a quick stream. Citi-publishing used to be launch blog. Now dig stream. #birkbeckmedia #
- http://pulsene.ws/vBAs sent from my iPad #birkbeckmedia #
- http://pulsene.ws/vzeG 'careless computing': where is the duty of care? #olympicarcades #
- Chapeau @dtapscott Tweet twends #birkbeckmedia #
- Chapeau @rodgers_Scott "slow journalism" http://journ.us/eaE0WT and want about slow net pub? linger over that haptics #birkbeckmedia #
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