- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @rodgers_scott #
- Twitter "all your business r belong to them" #birkbeckmedia #
- Twitter wants to be an app. We users wish it were a protocol. @davewiner is right: (via @dweinberger) #
- Google mobile search page now includes option to search iPhone apps. "Software takes command." (via @manovich) #
- what would the mobile web euqivalent of the i look/read/feel like? #birkbeckmedia #
- Visualising Mackenzie's "wirelessness" – http://twurl.nl/unddsj (via @mattermorph) #
- The Internationale Daily is out! #
- Thing of the day: 11.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9pBhLK #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @dasha_i #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @manovich #
- Top story on Guardian iPhone app is plan to attend astronaut launch, not earthquake. Am
I missing something? News values? #birkbeckmedia # - http://rww.to/e1rOIk Ushahidi show the way again. Roll your own location service #birkbeckmedia #
- Thing of the day: 10 on 10.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9pr6Kd #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @toros46 #
- The Internationale Daily is out! #
- http://rww.to/gA6WHj Flipboard gets Instagram, social scopic news in the stream. #birkbeckmedia #
- Why is video mirroring only for iPad 2? It's software not hardware issue so why not on iPad 1. Oh yes sorry, it's Apple isn't? #ipadacademic #
- Thing of the day: 09.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9pcRYw #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @internationale #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @rodgers_scott #
- Just in case you don't like mine. #birkbeckmedia #
- Thing of the day: 08.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9oTrLe #
- Aside from "The essence",an interesting read http://t.co/TDQ9VbH #olympicarcades #
- http://j.mp/gPCHHe break down of a mobile b2b plan #birkbeckmedia #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @martinrusso_ @kliyahldn @lancestrate #
- what if all stories were tweeted? #birkbeckmedia #
- Video Vortex PDF download – images beyond YouTube #birkbeckmedia #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @karppi #
- Protocol meet Augmented Reality, AR meet standards? #olympicarcades (chapeau @mattermorph) #
- Don't forget #birkbeckmedia guys, first 'presentations' of your projects on Thursday. Let me know if you need any help. #
- 13 tools for data analysis for journalism #birkbeckmedia #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @internationale @toros46 #
- You can manage conversations you can't control them, like (content) relationships. #content2bdifferent #
- Crowd sourcing, it's a game some MPs wished we hadn't played. #birkbeckmedia #
- Don't be scared, a bit of geekery could be a journo USP #birkbeckmedia #
- Idea accepted for paper for @networkpolitics #platpol11 "Software tunnels through the rags 'n refuse" #olympicarcades #
- http://www.situationistapp.com/ iPhlanerie #olympicarcades (chapeau @jeffjarvis) #
- The Internationale Daily is out! #
- Thing of the day: 06.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9onCN7 #
- http://reut.rs/ebP4ZN "faced with industry in decline, and want to extract as much money as possible before it died"? #birkbeckmedia #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! #
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