- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @the_eco_thought #
- I don't know why we are here, but I'm pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. ~ Wittgenstein /via @philoquotes #bigsociety #
- How can BBC News put an ad for the best that BBC journalism can do alongside this #march26 drivel? #
- Brilliant. Beebread hack talking about police dispersing as riot squad sprint off behind him #march26 #
- They cut the world service and let this BBC news drivel carry on? #march26 #
- #birkbeckmedia Follow @PennyRed for citizen media live. #
- Why is BBC News showing a video loop and not live feed from Trafalgar Square. They had a live segment from Charing Cross. #march26 #
- Chant: we're from scotland, we're from Scotland. We hate Tories more than you. #march26 #
- Lots of tired looking children. Any nurseries open? #march26 #
- March passes by downing street. #march26 #
- The Tories have made it rain. #march26 #
- Splitters. Anarchists head off towards trafalgar square. Unions towards parliament. Symbolic? #march26 #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @poynter #
- Chant: we're from scotland, we're from Scotland. We hate Tories more than you. #march26 #
- This is the our. #march26 #
- Banner: "it's the end Nye" #march26 #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! #
- As quoted by #Zizek at #birkbeckmedia talk. Ah parallax rumours. http://t.co/oCj8ONV #
- "More data mining company than photo sharing" says their Color CEO. Least he's honest http://t.co/xc46NXO #olympicarcades #
- The Internationale Daily is out! #
- Thing of the day: 25.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9t8pgD #
- Thing of the day: 24.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9t29iv #
- http://luddites.eventbrite.com/ Luddites of the twittersphere unite. #olympicarcades #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @internationale @kliyahldn @dasha_i #
- Online Ad Spend up 10.9% enough to make you want to leave Dublin for a new tax haven. http://t.co/mJWKYD0 #birkbeckmedia #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @juspar #
- Another vote for HTML5 web 'apps'… if Apple'll let them run as they could rather than throttle them. #birkbeckmedia #
- Google's non-publication. We are not a publisher… but #birkbeckmedia #
- Scopic bubbles. Technical and social protocols #olympicarcades #
- Thing of the day: 23.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9sMthM #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @gamesmonitor #
- Ne your own 2012 suburb. http://bbc.in/hXVB07 /via @gamesmonitor #
- http://luddites.eventbrite.com/ Luddites of the twittersphere unite. #olympicarcades #
- For my #birkbeckmedia students, about the strike tomorrow. #
- Thing if the day: 22.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9swvYn #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @ctbbk @martinrusso_ #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @macrowikinomics #
- Thing of the day: 21.03.11 http://flic.kr/p/9sgqpv #
- The #birkbeckmedia Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @internationale @dasha_i #
- http://on.mash.to/gWWst0 Happy 5th birthday. highlights from the Twitter (scopic) regime. #olympicarcades #birkbeckmedia #
- RT @macrowikinomics: New post: Smart Cities – Creating Intelligent Urban Environments http://ow.ly/4iJjn One for you @rodgers_scott #
- The Internationale Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today via @decrepitude @karppi #
- Great headline: "The Mission". Should add to their feeling of omnipotence, omnipresence and general omni http://ow.ly/4iol8 #birkbeckmedia #
- "Why photography still matters as…" http://bzfd.it/hGbjSX #olympicaracdes (via @karppi) #
- @dangilmor on active not merely cycnical read/writers. What could your 'publications' do to enable? #birkbeckmedia #
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