- The Internationale Daily is out! http://t.co/C3qqxkR8 â–¸ Top stories today via @mckenziewark @rodgers_scott @pennywilson @rhizomedotorg #
- Sent from my iPad. http://t.co/0jrS50hj #
- 'if we sweep it let us keep it! ' #Ows (via @doctorow) The new: "beneath the cobblestones…" #
- I remember when @seancubitt used to demand that his undergrad students watched Citizen Kane on film.
http://t.co/wSs8g4Zh (via @berrydm) # - Is it a source of concern that I'm trying to write a thesis to the soundtrack of Steve Reich and Philip Glass? #
- Glad to see 2012 is there. http://t.co/qcWHBW02 (chapeau @karppi) #
- Well that's Jarvis dealt with then. http://t.co/Mrg5JiLU #
- Only 1% of the population follow their council on Twitter: http://t.co/oDRPWmju? (chapeau @PaulCTayla) #content2bdifferent #
- Nice use what iPad does best and encourages readers to do. Designed experience #guardianipad #
- Social Game Wants You to Find Hidden Objects – http://t.co/XNusfeX6 sounds like one for @ibogost #
- Open source the diary. http://t.co/5myI7lRt #birkbeckmedia #
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