- The Internationale Daily is out! http://t.co/C3qqxkR8 ▸ Top stories today via @pennywilson @internationale @onticologist @digitaldigs #
- Thing of the day: 21.10.11 http://t.co/GhUUiyjj #
- Phonography as the next photography? http://t.co/wT9LZUM5 #
- Amazon move closer to (HTML5) standards. #protocol http://t.co/pVf1Fde7 #
- One rings vs both hands. Occupy content street. http://t.co/FJUfRlZ2 #birkbeckmedia #
- What with this and 2012, who'd live anywhere else than tower hamlets? http://t.co/qBxCgx2N #
- Imag(in)ing capitalism. Objects connecting within objects. http://t.co/8fS7bdiq /via @glynmoody in reply to glynmoody #
- How have I missed Isolator before?: http://t.co/iWpbYGJe I wouldn’t say it’s making me any more productive (cf this Tweet) but not hurting. #
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