- The Internationale Daily is out! http://t.co/C3qqxkR8 ▸ Top stories today via @cgrltz @counterolympics @berrydm @the_eco_thought #
- Another #c2bd dashboard to try out http://t.co/2M3pPlDG #
- My daughter's set up Flickr group for Citizenship project School says not enough comments (sigh). Any help appreciated: http://t.co/RKcik3ql #
- The Future of News Consensus. Why do i always worry when there is a consensus? #c2bd http://t.co/EGz7XDDt #
- Aren't there any hack snappers outside the Leveson inquiry? It's a celeb fest. #
- First complete draft – 64K words. Happy Thanksgiving @juspar and @TimMarkham #quadJPEG #OOPh #
- Welcome to Twitter @DrZamalek #
- New gallery on @halabjaplay site http://t.co/0otqgpD9. Charity's just a short step away from finishing the playground. Any help appreciated. #
- Effective googling http://t.co/CAJRKpN6 It's all about connecting objects. #
- Updated link to the Latour audio. Thanks to @the_eco_thought for spotting the glitch. http://t.co/8Y4TG6tQ #
- Thanks @. Yeh know Flusser's book although not studied in detail. Too engrossed in trying to collide OOP and imaging to make #OOPh #
- … And as film maker http://t.co/xHYU5A8I #OOph #
- Google as photographer http://t.co/fTgnOI43 #OOph #
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