- Ah Sunday, time for another complaint email to @BritishGas. Waste of time of course but cathartic. #
- Satellite activism in Sudan. Useful case story for #WSAgmm http://t.co/neIgJyW7 #
- #remindmetothinkaboutthissomemore Latour litanies and remix. #
- Strategic input facilitating an ongoing contribution to contemporary edu-linguistic stakeholder relationships. http://t.co/vGlJPdBl #
- Seems to be the day for screen links. http://t.co/YJeql7cm #
- …and some more on screen materials. http://t.co/N499o1Gr #
- Screens under the microscope. Gotta love materiality. http://t.co/hZoFtZpe #
- Why iPad mags fail. http://t.co/c7CrV0Ly Maybe the mag needs to be part exhibition, part performance and only part publication. #
- Apps, Web, one or the other or both or … Pew! http://t.co/MOZIrIGE #
- HD iPad shows WebKit limits on JPEG http://t.co/W66d4uwQ #
- Pinterest: 'sorry we didn't mean it when we said we'd sell your stuff'. Er who's stuff? http://t.co/mQOq2oCj #
- s, when you hised us and dumps, when you doused us! But sarra one of me cares a brambling ram, pomp porteryark! On limpidy marge I’ve made m #
- #remindmetothinkaboutthissomemore Philosophy/theory mood boards for design students. #
- Maybe there is an Ah in Dance. http://t.co/NSWemsEm #
- e made me hoom. Park and a pub for me. Only don’t start your stunts of Donachie’s yeards agoad again. I could guessp to her name who tuckt y #
- Nice link for design (thinking) people at #WSA courtesy of @markamerika chapeau http://t.co/XQaR86HB“the-four-phases-of-design-thinking”/ #
- Trademarking 'face' and 'book': http://t.co/7bE2yTSz #
- Come to my corner of the party, not! http://t.co/fXIhVGGz #c2bd #
- International Cloud Computing Policies http://t.co/v4ozqpeY Gonna be useful for #WSAgmm #
- Here's to the GIF! http://t.co/iNZWHnOc #
- Why Google needs Facebook and Twitter http://t.co/8VCwwaBb #
- and #quadJPEG v3 wings its way off… an object looking for supervisor-objects to connect with. #
- Stop adding new stuff to #quadJPEG Polish what you have. #voiceonmyshoulder #
- Returning to the #quadJPEG after a week away is like opening the Neverending Story. But that book's more fun. #
- #remindmetothinkaboutthissomemore multitasking as remix performance #
- ou that one, tuf-nut! Bold bet backwords. For the loves of sinfintins! Before the naked universe. And the bailby pleasemarm rincing his eye #
- Great fun remixing Joyce, Sinclair, Goldsmith, Duchamp, Keiller, From Hell and #WSA with @markamerika That's what coffee bars are there for. #
- How cool is my Charlie? A, A and A* in Dance mocks. #seriouslyproud #
- Just to remix my own Tweet: Mix a question mark into "Reading (is the right term)" #
- Reading (is the right term) @remixthebook before mashing up a coffee with @markamerika and taking some some remix back to #WSA #
- “@bradwiggins: Oh Dear, The Olympic kit!!” I presume you're referring to http://t.co/8o97nzBh #
- If Lab can't capitalise on this, don't deserve votes. It's Blatant. It's Class. It's Tory. They're back! Find a speechwriter, Miliband! #
- Ah. Now I know I have a 'real' job. The printer's stopped talking to my computer and I've 'logged' an IT support request! #
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