- …and the wood carving of @Recursive_idiot too, of course. #
- More @ozonejournal carpentry. Following on my own humble carvings http://t.co/34s6YFDw #
- New Thrift app thinks #ooo is http://t.co/jgJ0W3US #gottalovealgorithms #
- One for those #WSA students getting day to hit the jobs market. http://t.co/UZYWmIKE #
- Hate way iPad's screen demands reading in a dark room (Apple metaphor?) but also like fact the reader is enfolded with text in reflection. #
- Google goes object or at least thing-oriented http://t.co/XE2IkFJ7 #
- Love the idea of 'responsive images'. Protocols and imag(in)ings get together again. #quadJPEG http://t.co/KaJWLZj7 #
- Anablog. Alexander Galloway on the cybernetic hypothesis. #WSA http://t.co/FLeJlhrq #
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