- http://t.co/qw1SYEyn #
- "The front camera looks deep into your eyes" http://t.co/hj6MdjCl Object oriented photography #
- God save our gracious Polly.
i # - Skype meetings: sensual yet strangely withdrawn. easier than typing tweets with one hand. #
- RT @openculture: Lawrence Lessig http://t.co/oGGwXTYx "I’ll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one" #
- RT @brainpicker: So great – @ajblum takes "a journey to the center of the internet" http://t.co/BkI9QEaX gotta love the material #WSAgmm #
- Knackered shoulder. Not broken but just generally mangled. Can't possibly mark essays now. #
- Hospital a&e. Bike taxi altercation. Objects connecting. Ok but shoulder strangely withdrawn. #londoncycling #
- Anyone still got Media Guardian from 28th. Apparently #WSA (MA global media management) ad in. If so could you snap a pic for me and @juspar #
- Students: Good essays are a win-win. I win because they're easier to mark. You win 'cos you get a good mark! Simple. #
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