- I have an idea… Facebook as a VLE. There are lots of VLE options for courses like #WSAmacd Blackboard provided… http://t.co/NGnknTSq #
- For no better reason than it's pretty and, because it's online, its open for remix – source material everywhere…. http://t.co/120SxnYk #
- FInished your #WSAmacd MA? About to launch yourself into the global(ized) world? Stick around for a little longer. http://t.co/ELRWVMPb #
- Ah now the fun starts. Now we have 30, we can gain 'insights', another lovely Facebook use of language…. http://t.co/bVYoxYW7 #
- Concentrate on what the game's about. http://t.co/flKaqAXP
WSAmacd is not about game design but it is about… http://t.co/zLJsuw5Q #
- Our own Jussi Parikka's zombie musings. For anyone planning on doing #WSAmacd next year, we'll be exploring… http://t.co/B73RCSNx #
- Segmenting China's Social Media Market http://t.co/ykINhCQ9 #
- http://t.co/XT7EsD1k #
- And just a thought about your final projects… Think about how you can take them on. Who could you present them… http://t.co/h9dckged #
- Congrats to all the #WSAmacd Your Show was great! Was fun to meet mums, partners, cousins and assorted proud people. #
- “@silvertje: BlaBlaMeter
http://t.co/8BMiwL1J ” Shame I can’t copy and paste the whole thesis in. Then again probably a good thing. # - For any #WSAmacd students heading back to China with some new skills in eBooks… good news…. http://t.co/1pjQeuqi #
- I posted 25 photos on Facebook in the album "WSAmacd Show 2012" http://t.co/1O2n8D9z #
- First iBook project at WSA ever – UNVEILING TONIGHT http://t.co/2EQ1QGu2 #
- E-Book Is Reading You http://t.co/fDVekZCl #
- the construction of the deconstruction of the iBook. http://t.co/6pgXCODa #
- Something to muse over while you get your glad rags on for #WSAshows2012 opening tonight:… http://t.co/vlew5pkE #
- Small problem with the link to the iBook… will get the #WSAmacd student developers to fix tomorrow in time for the #WSAshows2012 #
- I posted 39 photos on Facebook in the album "WSAmacd Show 2012" http://t.co/F0kvKEsJ #
- … and if you cant wait to see the #WSAmacd iBook itself, check it out here: http://t.co/yCtCkP0F http://t.co/KyNwgg6Z #
- They've only just told me but the iBook deconstruction team have a FaceBook page too:… http://t.co/r696OoHd #
- Watch this space for the great #WSAmacd and #WSAamd iBook deconstruction installation… Coming to an #WSAshows2012 near you on Thursday. #
- Great talk about design and militarisation. http://t.co/Oq1dLLil #
- "Use my work Anywhere, For Anything" Remix Manga. Whose design is it/What is a designer anyway?… http://t.co/xkeLNRz1 #
- Two pillows and a paper mâché head found in lions bed at clacton zoo. #
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