- The thing about signing off a handbook/reading list (for print) is you then find the book you wanted to add. For… http://t.co/htSXiRvJ #
- Something for you to watch while you're camping out… http://t.co/YasZOFvs #
- Putting finishing touches to the extremely groovy #WSAmacd handbook – print edition. Suggestions for eEditions?… http://t.co/Of0FJONj #
- Putting finishing touches to the extremely groovy #WSAmacd handbook – print edition. Suggestions for eEditions?… http://t.co/jOp3MoVg #
- Any #WSAmacd (past or future) up for a map of Communication Design?… http://t.co/mOda8E4Z #
- Street Ghosts: http://t.co/y04O9Xoh
Quite a few people are using Google as an image(in)ing machine but… http://t.co/g1JQ5ACE #
- Just met the first few students for this year's #WSAmacd International induction day. As I told them, "we are… http://t.co/eNbYwCaM #
- When everything is source material for remix who'd be a politician, even an apologetic one?… http://t.co/XvMUdCjc #
- Panicking about writing essays at an Art School? http://t.co/wWc4h4o1
BTW: don't you… http://t.co/weriPaBV #
- The Eurovision-voting school of crowd-sourcing…. http://t.co/LirgwHFE #
- … but on more interesting stuff, source material everywhere: remix is big for #WSAmacd this year. We'll be… http://t.co/xHyF63id #
- Facebook and bureaucracy: FB is refusing to allow me to 'claim' WSA as a 'Place'. Apparently because this page was… http://t.co/ma5P9npR #
- One of the #WSAmacd students behind the eBook thinks… http://t.co/lp6PNVWu #
- I'm all for a bit of 'hard edged engineering'-literate exploration of fluffy things like "Web 2.0"… more of… http://t.co/44uV6mXk #
- One of the things about a "Submit the Timetable" deadline is you look at what you're planning to do next year and… http://t.co/Zwp7Nbmt #
- For the benefit of those new here, Square One was an eBook project and installation created by #WSAmacd and… http://t.co/kBoJapBe #
- Not sure I agree that they've become 'brands' and I don't like the word 'viral' either but… interesting story… http://t.co/XEw6A4va #
- Big Data is watching you/You are watching Big Data…. http://t.co/WRwcAMUT #
- In answer to Wan Ting's question. This Facebook page is going to play an active part in #WSAmacd this year. The… http://t.co/m3zAKCUA #
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