Dispatch from an advertising future #16

A Conspiracy Of Silence

He’d served his time, brought real money in, ‘managed’ people. It was his turn. At the table sat the CEO and other made guys. Chris listened: “This ‘thing of ours’ is what comes first in your life, before your blood family.” The CEO pricked the finger Chris used to unlock his phone, daubed the blood on a picture of Zuckerberg and lit it on fire: “If you divulge the secrets of our life, your soul will burn in hell like this saint.” The CEO kissed him on both cheeks. He was a made guy. And then Chris saw the Raven.

Finally. It was time. He’d served his time. He’d done the grunt work. He‘d begun to bring real money in. He’d ‘managed’ situations. Occasionally he’d ‘managed’ people. It was his turn. He was going to be a fortunate son.

Chris arrived at the basement. He was told he’d should ‘get dressed’. He had a new suit. Sharp. Ready. At the table say the Chief exec, chief creative and chief strategy officers together with other made guys.

Chris listened as he was told: “This ‘thing of ours’ is what comes first in your life, it comes before your blood family.” He knew what he was getting into. The family. Honour.

They pricked the finger he used to unlock his phone until blood came out. They daubed the blood on a picture of Zuckerberg and gave him the picture. The CEO lit it on fire and told Chris: “If you divulge the secrets of our life your soul will burn in hell like this saint.”

They kissed him on both cheeks. He was a made guy.

And then Chris saw the Raven.