Ever since ‘The Analog Turn’ your customers have been hiding. Paperbacks, podcasts, you’ve not been able to see what they are reading or listening to. Now with SeeingWords(™), you will. Using a network of face cameras we interpret brain signals to decode the words they are reading or hearing. Then our FaceTheFuture(™) lets you buy against that content in real time. If he’s reading a. recipe, you’ll know. If she’s listening to a feminist podcast, you’ll. know. If he’s reading a love letter… you’ll know. And be sure you. ad will reach her just like it used to.
Ever since ‘The Analog Turn’ we know that your customers have been hiding. Sitting on that shopping mall bench with a paperback or on the Tube with their newspaper, listening to that podcast as they stroll or wait for a bus… we’ve not been able to help them with our adverts. No-one wants to go back to the scattergun advertising of the past. Brands want to put their messages in front of the right prospects and people want to see relevant ads. But with the Analog Turn, up to now we’ve not been able to see what they are reading. But now we’re proud to announce SeeingWords(™), a collaboration between Eastfield Shopping arcades, Transit for London and us here at FaceTheFuture(™).
As you know, we’ve been harnessing facial recognition to map your ads to your consumers’ emotions but now we can map them to what they are reading, in real time. A network of sensors in Eastfield malls and London Tube carriages monitor people as they read. Our proprietary AI interprets the brain signals to decode the words they are reading or the podcast they are listening to. This is is fed into the FaceTheFuture(™) ad auction for you to buy against that content in real time. As she looks up from her paper, your ad could be the first thing she sees.
If he’s reading a. recipe, you’ll know. If she’s listening to a feminist podcast, you’ll. know. If he’s reading a love letter… you’ll know. And be sure you. ad will reach her just like it used to.