Dispatch from an advertising future #120

https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/07/1009499/telepath-wants-to-enforce-kindness-can-that-ever-work/ The doctor had prescribed it after the last ‘episode’. His band had alerted his employer who had passed it on. When he was called in, he was ‘offered’ it. They said it was better than drugs, but he knew it was a money thing. He didn’t have a choice so he joined. He had …

Dispatch from an advertising future #99

https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200903-the-companies-that-help-people-vanish Tonight. She never thought it would come. When she started she couldn’t have imagined she’d ever have wanted it to come. But she was a child then. She still was, she thought as yet again she turned the camera on and smiled. Tonight. It was all set. She ran through the instructions again in …

Dispatch from an advertising future #82

https://newatlas.com/computers/parolees-tracked-artificial-intelligence-prevent-recidivism/ Talent is back in demand again and you’re back worrying about your best people leaving, and understanding why? With Churn (™) we give you hard data to work with. Integrate Churn (™) into your wellness programme (we work with all the major wearable platforms) and we’ll tell you when someone’s thinking of leaving so …

Dispatch from an advertising future #77

https://www.thedrum.com/opinion/2020/08/10/defending-the-right-advertise-response-the-ad-association-ipa-and-isba He was prepared. They had a WhatsApp group and code words. He’d not bothered with a burner phone but some had. He’d got supplies in his Kanken, for if they were kettled. He’d swapped his normal facemask for a”‘teargas-ready” one. And he had his placard. Competition was fierce. The best in the industry would …

Dispatch from an advertising future #74

https://www.adweek.com/agencies/after-coronavirus-tweets-tom-goodwin-is-out-at-publicis-groupe/ Are you an iconoclast? Is your brand contrary? If so, you need WalkTheLine (™). We help you navigate the fine line between standing out and being kicked out. We monitor your client or employers’ positions on current issues as they shift. We also watch your competitor pundit’s postings and positions. WalkTheLine (™) maps the …

Dispatch from an advertising future #67

https://techcrunch.com/2020/07/23/pandora-launches-interactive-voice-ads-into-beta-testing She enjoyed playing with ads. The more literary-minded might call it ‘deconstruction’’; the more political, ‘ad jamming’. It was fun to see how many times it took saying “depends” to get the Voice to give up and play a jingle. The bed company that wanted to offer sleeping tips was easy to wind-up when …