Dispatch from an advertising future #214

Dyson’s bizarre new headphones have a built-in air purifier https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/30/23000577/dyson-zone-noise-cancellation-headphones-built-in-air-purifier They were supposed to be by the front door. He always left them there. It was a reflex to reach for them as he left and to dump them there when he got back. His wife’s were there and the kids’ ones too – cute …

Dispatch from an advertising future #171

https://digiday.com/marketing/google-switch-floc-cookie-replacement-fingerprinting-potential/ We make a big thing of it in my family. The Choosing. To be honest I don’t get to choose, it’s a family thing. Topics are passed down in our family and woe betide you if you try and pick something outside. “Tradition”, I’m reminded. We have this lame ceremony thing where I have …

Dispatch from an advertising future #92

https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/08/30/1007786/elon-musks-neuralink-demo-update-neuroscience-theater/ The JammerChip has been around as long as implants. Some say the capacity to think our ads away has led to new forms of creativity as we built ad-experiences people would choose to have. But data from our partners in the gaming, education and health industries’ chips shows little or no neural response to …

Dispatch from an advertising future #74

https://www.adweek.com/agencies/after-coronavirus-tweets-tom-goodwin-is-out-at-publicis-groupe/ Are you an iconoclast? Is your brand contrary? If so, you need WalkTheLine (™). We help you navigate the fine line between standing out and being kicked out. We monitor your client or employers’ positions on current issues as they shift. We also watch your competitor pundit’s postings and positions. WalkTheLine (™) maps the …

Dispatch from an advertising future #73

https://voicebot.ai/2020/07/31/this-fashion-tech-pioneer-is-animating-face-masks-with-voice-responsive-leds/ The rich had ad-free masks, the poor were hacking them and running #notonmyface slogans. Even those campaigns that were running weren’t effective. Evidence showed people had rediscovered eye contact. The Public Private Health Partnerships programme had ensured universal access to masks but the Department was worried as the agency gave its report. Brands still …

Dispatch from an advertising future #67

https://techcrunch.com/2020/07/23/pandora-launches-interactive-voice-ads-into-beta-testing She enjoyed playing with ads. The more literary-minded might call it ‘deconstruction’’; the more political, ‘ad jamming’. It was fun to see how many times it took saying “depends” to get the Voice to give up and play a jingle. The bed company that wanted to offer sleeping tips was easy to wind-up when …