Facebook, Ray-Ban debut picture-taking smart glasses She was exhausted. She closed the door and collapsed. It was quiet. She stopped smiling, finally. Her face ached. Her mind ached. She looked around to check none of her devices were on and scowled, just for the fun of it. She’d been used to curating her own …
Tag Archives: Facebook
Dispatch from an advertising future #130 The Episode wasn’t all bad. With her tracker warning her of the borders of her 3S (“Social Safe Space”), she had her privacy and security. She knew where she could go and what she could do, as did everyone else each within their invisible fence. The Government had subcontracted the trackers to The Company …
Dispatch from an advertising future #89 He nudged the controls and took another sip from his pint. His hackcam drone hovered on the court steps part of the news swarm. His question sounded through the speakers,and appeared on the PR’s tablet. The soundbite came through just as the celebrity said it. He worked in some background. He looked around the …
Dispatch from an advertising future #70 The politicians sat in rows remembering the physical etiquette of the committee, after years of virtual meetings. The “techwraiths” lined up with their DeepMinds. @AOC, a veteran of “looking them in the eyes” had demanded they appear in-person but she couldn’t stop them bringing “advisors”. The agenda progressed as normal: opening moves, middlegame gambits, …