Dispatch from an advertising future #181

https://www.engadget.com/ten-federal-agencies-expanding-facial-recognition-070044629.html Ten federal agencies are expanding their use of facial recognition This Government is committed to arts and culture as well as managing the public purse. We know you – our creative sector – are aware of those sometimes competing demands. For many years you have completed evaluations and submitted data to show the effects …

Dispatch from an advertising future #73

https://voicebot.ai/2020/07/31/this-fashion-tech-pioneer-is-animating-face-masks-with-voice-responsive-leds/ The rich had ad-free masks, the poor were hacking them and running #notonmyface slogans. Even those campaigns that were running weren’t effective. Evidence showed people had rediscovered eye contact. The Public Private Health Partnerships programme had ensured universal access to masks but the Department was worried as the agency gave its report. Brands still …

Dispatch from an advertising future #50

https://www.thedrum.com/news/2020/03/20/even-better-the-real-thing-meet-the-virtual-influencers-taking-over-your-feeds He was glad the lockdown was still in place. It meant he couldn’t go out and so didn’t need to put on a disguise just to leave his flat. He could just sit at home and work. His face was more popular than ever as his followers whiled away time being ‘influenced’ by him. …

Dispatch from an Advertising Future #47

https://www.technologyreview.com/s/615302/how-coronavirus-turned-the-dystopian-joke-of-faceid-masks-into-a-reality/ Life was more difficult since the outbreak. She’d had to reprogramme the phone security apps and the algorithms were taking some time to recognise her muffled speech. But where she really noticed it was when she was out. She’d got used to being recognised. Knowing her coffee would be ready when she got to …

Dispatch from an advertising future #34

https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/11/15/238341/privacy-pew-research-data-collection-big-tech-facebook-google-apple/ She’d stayed longer than planned. It was dark. She could wait until someone was heading her way but why couldn’t she walk her own streets alone? She could call a driverless but it was a nice evening. She made her excuses and as the cold air hit her, she tapped her earpiece: “OK, WatchMe,” …

Dispatch from an advertising future #27

The top 5 creative brand ideas you need to know about right now AdTech Age’s algorithms of the week: At Number Five: Emotion Trader. Trade your emotional data faster than ever. At Four we have OnPurpose. Spot that new cause and buy in early. Three is FaceFace’s new MoodMatcher. It’s never been faster to buy …