Dispatch from an advertising future #133

https://www.theverge.com/2020/10/27/21537286/microsoft-teams-115-million-daily-active-users-stats She looked at her desk, checking the time. Three minutes until the first meeting of the day. Yes, everything was in place. Since she’d moved the monitor, she had a bit more room to fit everything in. The new camera should make it easier too. A slightly wider angle giving her a bit more …

Dispatch from an advertising future #129

https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/10/21/1011038/aocs-among-us-livestream-hints-at-twitchs-political-power/ You have been the face of our brand since before I joined the company. It feels like generations of our customers have come to know and love our brand through coming to know you. Whether it was the original TV ads or those early web experiments right through to our successful micro-films series. Your …

Dispatch from an advertising future #119

https://www.vox.com/the-goods/21459677/tiktok-house-la-hype-sway-girls-in-the-valley Dear Mum. Don’t worry, I’m here. I told you it would be OK. I was right about this place. It’s amazing. The decorations are crazy, they look so good on camera. There’s mad furniture, a gym and I get to pick how my room looks and they just sort it. And the equipment? There’s …

Dispatch from an advertising future #113

https://theconversation.com/dynamic-tattoos-promise-to-warn-wearers-of-health-threats-133040 Ever since Sits had gone mainstream as an early warning system for possible infection, they’d been hacked to warn of other things. The Blockers had got them to glow when you were in what they called an “unhealthy ad space”. The Hiders had them signal when your data was being siphoned. She read Sits, …

Dispatch from an advertising future #99

https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200903-the-companies-that-help-people-vanish Tonight. She never thought it would come. When she started she couldn’t have imagined she’d ever have wanted it to come. But she was a child then. She still was, she thought as yet again she turned the camera on and smiled. Tonight. It was all set. She ran through the instructions again in …

Dispatch from an advertising future #53

https://www.warc.com/newsandopinion/news/during-covid-19-brand-purpose-demands-solutions/43431 The Doctor had a moment before it all began again to check messages. Before all this, she was used to drugs companies’ offers of all-expenses-paid trips. Messages from spin doctors wanting to set up photo-ops for politicians of all stripes. She’d felt good at how quickly she could diagnose and dispatch. Delete. Delete. Delete. …