Dispatch from an advertising future #140

https://www.ft.com/content/d6a51bc0-e26f-4ed2-a298-7a97811dc427 No-one notices me. Why would they? I rummage through rubbish, picking through the detritus and leftovers for scraps. I’m the sort of figure you’d crossover to avoid. Pitiable. Sad. Maybe a bit disgusting. There’s a long history of characters like me: mudlarks searching the Thames; tabloid hacks rooting through celebrities’ bins. Treasure hunters. There …

Dispatch from an advertising future #138

https://www.engadget.com/motor-vehicle-data-question-1-081059455.html He just seems to spend all his time in his room, tinkering. He’s never happy with it. Always wants to change this, upgrade that. Ever since “right to repair” came in, he’s been tinkering. I thought it was about mending things but it’s not broken. It still works. He says: “but it can work …

Dispatch from an advertising future #73

https://voicebot.ai/2020/07/31/this-fashion-tech-pioneer-is-animating-face-masks-with-voice-responsive-leds/ The rich had ad-free masks, the poor were hacking them and running #notonmyface slogans. Even those campaigns that were running weren’t effective. Evidence showed people had rediscovered eye contact. The Public Private Health Partnerships programme had ensured universal access to masks but the Department was worried as the agency gave its report. Brands still …

Dispatch from an advertising future #35

Amnesty International latest to slam surveillance giants Facebook and Google as “incompatible” with human rights The protest had spilled over into the election. The activists had got the passive to act. Candidates who echoed the activists’ demands were sweeping into power. The demands had gone mainstream. Online and offline had blurred as the activists had …