The latest update for Quest headsets lets you chill in a study with mountainside views No. I mean it. It’s not acceptable. You can’t do that. You know that. You know better. Do you remember when we sat down together and wrote out the agreement? “Contract” we called it. You and I agreed on …
Tag Archives: virtual reality
Dispatch from an advertising future #208
From URL to IRL: how digitally native brands are harnessing the power of experience She had to close her eyes. It was the only way to de-Augment, they said. Her dad still had his original headset and never stopped telling her about the first time he had experienced The Space. He sounded like Timothy …
Dispatch from an advertising future #196 Working From Orbit: VR Productivity In (or Above) a WFA World I guess it was inevitable. The company’s been going downhill for years. You’ve only got to look at the turnover on the 12th floor. No-one’s stayed longer than 18 months for ages. Those of us who have been here for a long time …
Dispatch from an advertising future #195 Roblox adds listening parties, extending the reach musicians can have on its platform It’s around here somewhere. It’s gotta be. I know it doesn’t look like the sort of place but this is definitely it. This was the address I got. It’s exactly where they’d play. You can keep those big arenas, those soulless …
Dispatch from an advertising future #193 Why companies are using virtual concerts to introduce their users to the metaverse The company picnic was always a highlight… that’s what the newsletter said. Part team-building exercise; part CSR, part Instagrammable moments set-up, this year’s event would be special, we are told. After the years of Zoom events, it would be great to …
Dispatch from an advertising future #179 TikTok follows Snap and Facebook by testing new augmented reality developer tools You’ve got to see it! It’s amazing. I mean it’s so cool. It’s hypnotic. Mesmerising. I could look at it for hours. I have. I’ve told all my friends. I mean you have to when there’s something this new, this amazing. I …