Dispatch from an advertising future #154

https://chromeunboxed.com/google-assistant-patent-human-like-interactions It used to be easy. The customer just used the right word and I searched around and connected them to the service. I didn’t have to think or make any decision or judgement call. Yes, it was pretty mindless but it meant I was just left alone to do the job. I was pretty …

Dispatch from an advertising future #152

https://www.ft.com/content/c653e977-435f-4553-8401-9fa9b0faf632 My mum was worried when I first got her. I was only little of course and she’d read the scare stories about grooming and hacking the smart home. I’m sure she had visions of a Chucky-doll turning the thermostat up and watching us boil. She calmed down after a while, particularly when my grades …

Dispatch from an advertising future #148

https://www.pcgamer.com/noveto-soundbeamer-sci-fi-speaker-brainhole/ He remembered the city. Deeper than a normal Sunday. The tyres of his bike echoed on the tarmac. He’d heard birds. The sound of the few bits of litter. Zombie. Post-apocalyptic, the tabloid cliches weren’t outrageous. An urban anechoic chamber. But that was then. Now the traffic was back. Footsteps. Mobile halfalogues. Even the …

Dispatch from an advertising future #147

https://voicebot.ai/2020/11/17/bbc-releases-synthetic-voice-newsreader-for-online-articles/ Ever since the election it has become more and more difficult to “fan the flames”. The platforms are running scared and getting better at catching so-called “inflammatory” posts. They still only put warning stickers on them but getting something going and getting people going is becoming harder. At least as far as content is …

Dispatch from an advertising future #136

https://www.engadget.com/ai-covid-19-cough-detection-from-recordings-213858299.html He should be used to it by now. Trying not to look at his own image in the corner of the matrix; raising his electronic hand; remembering to unmute and then… starting. He’d not been particularly confident in The Before. He knew he often stumbled and always felt every other word was “erm”. And …

Dispatch from an advertising future #88

https://voicebot.ai/2020/08/24/facebook-shares-software-to-teach-robots-how-to-navigate-by-sound/ He wasn’t lazy. After a hard day at the kitchen table, he deserved some downtime, and besides The Owl (™) made the house safer. Noises from the baby’s room? Silently pop in and check. Delivery at the door? Hover over, unlock and take the parcel – socially distanced delivery. The homedrone was a silent …