- The Internationale Daily is out! #
- A bit of re Fried means for you @parallax00 http://t.co/lnUtiEZ #
- In team car being driven to hotel. Chatting to VdV & spot cyclist on autoroute ahead, dressed in full Europcar kit. Looks oddly (cont… #
- Chat stops, tell car to slow. As we pass have time to look into eyes of a tired and broken Voeckler. Tragic doesn't come close to (cont… #
- …cont) describe. /via @millarmind #
- If you have tears, prepare to shed them now. /via @millarmind #
- I've said it before, I'll say it again: Voeckler, a cyclist among accountants. #tdf #
- Tommy Voeckler IS the spirit of the #TDF #
- Thing of the day: 22.07.11 http://flic.kr/p/a5WUXv #
- “@mediaguardian: Article removed http://t.co/BWhm19J” Maybe it's behind a paywall #
- “@AdamBienkov: Locog asks if value for money give each borough £50k for 'flags & bunting'” £50k to spend in Tower Hamlets? Yeh flags please. #
- Thing of the day: 20.07.11 http://flic.kr/p/a5oM44 #
- “Marbles Ousts Himself as Murdoch Pie Thrower on Twitter – http://t.co/ZnALoqL” And well done for deflecting attention from the real clown. #
- http://t.co/lKceFSH some more object oriented imaging chapeau @manovich via @MrSoames #olympicarcdaes #
- One for you @the_eco_thought “@ubuweb: "Inuit Throat and Harp Songs, [MP3 & FLAC]: http://t.co/Zk2hbUP” #
- Digital madeleines http://t.co/Z4jdu2N #olympicarcades #
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