- RT @parallax00: BRITISH PUBLIC: please stop recording racists on public transport and uploading them onto to YouTube. You're helping no one. in reply to parallax00 #
- 2012 conversation management not conversation relationships #c2bd http://t.co/3yvLL9Mx #
- I wonder if it can add the stations/lines closed. http://t.co/8taWED6O #
- Social guilt in frictionless sharing. Threat or opportunity?http://t.co/dpE0qJgd #
- Algorithm as magic formula. Like looking for the Higgs Bosun. http://t.co/7l7lanro #birkbeckmedia #
- Somewhere between a journalist and an Auther or maybe a Publisher http://t.co/aMtptnAz #birkbeckmedia #
- We're on the Live Web but not of it. Now shut up and listen. #c2bd http://t.co/OD4UcjjM #
- G+ Or FB? I like the point about not counting users. Quality not quantity when it comes to content relationships http://t.co/m1MkyW7G #c2bd #
- Hipstamatic Adds rolls – mixing social, cloud and streaming stills. http://t.co/uRwRrAXE #quadJPEG #
- RT @berrydm: Check this out on @teleportd! http://t.co/Z2w5x8RF #quadJPEG #
- Now that's citizen meeja and he refuses the label #birkbeckmedia http://t.co/zxDvTkW5 #
- That Facebook face recognition comes into its own http://t.co/vEJ64Be5 #quadJPEG #
- Easy #c2bd option for write once publish many storytelling http://t.co/arK76yOg #
- Read it later through algorithm. Combine with Zite, All we need is machine to read it and we're redundant. http://t.co/OVpsKRBx #quadJPEG #
- Dashboard? I want a social media sideboard. #
- Is that an algorithm on your dashboard? http://t.co/Tv32Cltt #quadJPEG #
- Do 'they' want to be converted and what happens if they don't and find out you're trying? http://t.co/oGMhAG7Q #c2bd #iamnotanumber #
- Janet Cardiff's "The Missing Voice". Ah that was yer ol' East End before 2012 http://t.co/e7DMJAEf #
- http://t.co/78oHHyv4 Question: If I was starting #Birkbeckmedia (http://t.co/t5paSwUX) now would I stick with a Wiki or build in Facebook? #
- http://t.co/KTM75jGh 'tis the season for predictions #c2bd #
- VW: The Dark Side http://t.co/n6719D70 #
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