- The bees are dying. Tell @Bayer_sd @Tweet2Harvest to vote against their deadly pesticides Sign the petition—24 hrs left http://t.co/AtuPIDu0 #
- #WSAgmm video is up on Vimeo now… Distributed media in action. http://t.co/Ym0ZS8KO #
- Want one http://t.co/hC84LawS (chapeau @cshirky @robinboast ) but given me idea for metadata images. #quadJPEG #
- thanks @alexkbailey Slides at http://t.co/9PC5ZoIP Any problems, let me know in reply to alexkbailey #
- thanks @Roel_P will check them
out. in reply to Roel_P # - I've said it before and I'll say it again: "makes you realise why Cultural Studies is important" http://t.co/KsPx2VEW #WSAcgf #WSA #
- thanks @TheHubEvents for more opportunities to rant about Social Meeja! And thanks to those who listened politely and asked great questions in reply to TheHubEvents #
- RT “@Silurian: Lecture about Facebook/twitter from a lecturer with actual charisma (y)” I hope the (y) isn't an emoticon for sarcasm. #
- I've added the text to the #WSAgmm video page: https://t.co/1U8icAEe Just in case I'm talking too fast or Northern accent is impenetrable! #
- … And the #WSA MA guys putting the teams together for the ebook project. Be nice to the 'benevolent dictators' and they'll be nice to you. #
- Thanks to 'Contemporary issues' #WSA guys for listening and joining in discussions around power(full) digital objects. Slides to follow. #
- English Defence (sic) league (sick) to join forces with British Freedom (sic and sick) Party #newbritfacism http://t.co/I4djZxYR #
- #WSAgmm – the video: https://t.co/5MzsCbvJ #
- … I'm choosing not to look at the Le Pen percentage. #
- Au revoir Sarkozy. Summer in a socialist France? #
- Here's some raw material for any creative project or practice-research PhD. http://t.co/gkZmOXYM #
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