William Eggleston: object-oriented photographer

“Bill at one time said to his great, highly-respected friend: ‘Well what am I gonna photograph? Everything around here is so ugly.’ And our friend said: ‘photograph the ugly stuff’” Rosa Eggleston (Wife) in{Holzemer 2008}. “I’ve seen him stare for hours at a china set. And not a particularly valuable china set” Andra Eggleston (daughter) …

Eugène Atget: Object-oriented photographer

“It has justly been said of him that he photographed them like scenes of crimes. A crime scene, too, is deserted; it is photographed for the purpose of establishing evidence. With Atget, photographic records begin to be evidence in the historical trial [Prozess]. This constitutes their hidden political significance. They demand a specific kind of …

Object-oriented (pinhole) photography

My decision to use digital pinhole was part historical, part philosophical and part aesthetic. Pinhole has a long history in imaging. Eric Renner traces it back long before the image could be ‘fixed’ photographically to naturally occurring apertures in nature through fourth Century BC reference in China to ‘Aristotle’s Problem’ the question he raises in …