- RT @dtapscott a bit of (macro)wikinomics, leanback media #content2bdifferent #
- RT @andymiah: a whole flock of Twitter analysis or maybe a murmuration #birkbeckmedia #content2bdifferent #
- #birkbeckmedia Free work and play book. Happy birthday and thanks Center for Digital Discourse and Culture. #
- http://j.mp/b3EkL0 some stats for Tuesday's #birkbeckmedia session. #
- http://j.mp/dczBvG who says there's no opportunities in social media fro journos? #birkbeckmedia #
- http://youtu.be/YLLz5Cdrjo8 the wonders of the murmuration #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/cOw3Lw work on that MBA with your 'friends' for free. Imagine the ad possibilities. #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/bGj1Co or could just do it in Google Sites like #birkbeckmedia did http://birkbeckmedia.theinternationale.com #content2bdiffernt #
- http://j.mp/9cLyFE AT last an AR app for Daily Mail readers. #olympicarcades #
- http://j.mp/95UcgB and what about being more active with our reaiding of news? Not just sharing or clipping but annotating. #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/aOiJ3E "an advertiser may miss out on…" FB's new patent will help, don't worry. #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/b3EkL0 some stats fro Tuesday's #birkbeckmedia crit of big media web presences. #
- #birkbeckmedia Please make sure you check out task for next Tues. Any questions? you know where I am. #
- RT @berrydm: So you want a PhD in the Humanities? http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/7451115/ A short break from #olympicarcades #
- i, stories just a bit bigger than a twitterpaper. #birkbeckmedia #
- Macrowiki excerpts #content2bdifferent http://ow.ly/2YS7x /via @adw_tweets #
- “@Internationale: http://j.mp/brl5rq alesia needed a technology platform? Murdoch scuppered by Jobs and Brin et al? #birkbeckmedia