- http://j.mp/dz9vCI cage against the machine fro a silent night #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/bDTKo5 English language of choice for protest. http://j.mp/bDTKo5 #content2bdifferent #
- Live Web cracks in the Great Wall? Interesting use at micro level with 'micro' issues. #content2bdifferent #
- nice homepage for some free thinking for selfish giants #birkbeckmedia #
- Anti twitter-journalism started on Twitter with a hashtag #longreads use each meium for what does best #birkbeckmedia #
- Freebie academic papers on Social Life of Wireless Urban Spaces chapeau @mysocnet #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/a7z1Bk iPad subs service #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/amuu3k a peek behind the covers of the Book. #birkbeckmedia #
- HTML5 book in a browser, who needs Apps, closed source and walled gardens? #birkbeckmedia #
- … and each spam message is slightly different. #
- So you tweet a link to a YouTube video you get reply from a charming young spam lady offering more plays for YT videos. She must be busy. #
- "images are the reality" Zizek on top form in a hall of mirrors chapeau @rodgers_scott #birkbeckmedia #
- networked news ecology. Always good to mag(in)e meejspace as a complex adaptive system #birkbeckmedia #
- #content2bdifferent joy, not mine unless link = add value if so credit @anymiah or @Media_Trust or.. well get the point #
- woohoo! Harman's Speculative Realism just arrived and @juspar has sent me some zombies. Stop writing start reading #olympicarcades #
- Fine chaps @TheHubEvents are doing a survey. Useful for me for my next workshop for them: #content2bdifferent #
- http://j.mp/cR4uFo (News of the) world to end in 2019. Another y2k scare? #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/9sUl17 an archive, a piece of history or raw material for a 'Laboratory'. #olympicarcades #
- http://j.mp/bFKDGB chatroulette for SMS. Maybe the pictures are better. #
- http://j.mp/9iqp07 sh don't tell anyone, starting place for paranoid musings? #birkbeckmedia #
- http://j.mp/dgESJG Google to Facebook brain drain. Where's the place to be with the ideas? or maybe patience to back them. #birkbeckmedia #
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