- The Internationale Daily is out! http://t.co/C3qqxkR8 ▸ Top stories today via @rhizomedotorg @paulctayla @onticologist @rodgers_scott #
- Thing of the day: 08.10.11 http://t.co/963kDYJG #
- And as if by magic… http://t.co/3znQJXd8 #
- http://t.co/HSee082m what was that thing abot 'small is beautiful'? Chapeau @karppi #
- So proud of Ms Internationale, @pennywilson and her TED, misspelt my own name. #
- Ms Interenationale, @pennywilson, Talks TED. http://t.co/5uI9ZWwh #
- The best thing is the refusal to make demands. http://t.co/SlcPwpyQ #99 #
- RT @karppi: New post – Facebook: track & block. http://t.co/foxfcfR6 #
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