- Thinking some more about my career. http://t.co/6Xn0hrsD #
- … that was devil’s advocate BTW. Of course it’s an object! #
- “Abstracting a JPEG-object from the flux of protocol becoming, isn’t pinning a butterfly to the page so much as a blancmange to the ceiling” #
- Great to see @cgrltz. Putting me to shame with her British Library productivity. #
- Presume you've seen (through) this @karppi Augmented Shopping http://t.co/dX03r3E1 #
- Hacking the academy. Go on gizza job. http://t.co/Qz6L4f7g Chateau @remixthebook: #
- Good job i'm on O2. Hang on, not a 2012 corporate, or for that matter intend to be in London. Chapeau @jennifermjones: http://t.co/rf0eKcHe #
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