- "finger in the air" indeed http://t.co/xg7nkcfq #
- Nice idea from @adamprocter http://t.co/7TtNP1m2 Vote early. Vote often. #
- and some more on Kony: the story, the news story and the social media story – three different things? http://t.co/h3uU27Oh #
- #WSA student pointed me towards Kony 2012 campaign: http://t.co/0vhmipgv Interesting take on Today this AM. http://t.co/Mv9OMKpF #
- Great fun looking at #WSA d&ad entries. One even got me wondering if sq mile wasn't just bunch of merchant bankers. Talented people around. #
- http://t.co/4rBgJowe 2012 scopic Governmentality in the real world #
- Live pinning a Fashion photo shoot: http://t.co/wKgMan26 #
- Tower Hamlets turns red http://t.co/p9xpkTUU #
- ! One of these fine days, lewdy culler, you must redoform again. Blessed shield Martin! Softly so. I am so exquisitely pleased about the lo #
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