- Interesting distinctions mashups and cutups. Fragments and rags 'n refuse. http://t.co/mnk0UmZd Chapeau @remixthebook #
- Reading Laruelle on non-photography before Milan San-Remo comes on TV. Funny 'ol world. #
- Just noticed that Zero Books are based in Winchester. Obviously the place to be #WSA #
- Not usual Tweet but did promise in last complaint mail that I'd spread the word on/offline: "don't use British Gas for new boiler!" #bgfail #
- OK DeLanda, it's just you, me and #quadJPEG day. What a mesh. #
- Stephen Wolfram Thinks Instagram is "Completely Nuts" For Writing Its Own Photo Filters http://t.co/IjuJS9R6 #OOPh another lang to play with #
- RT @julesmattsson: Help us track the impact of the Olympics on #pressfreedom and the right to photograph http://t.co/LT8xY646 #
- Steve Jobs Stuffed Toy http://t.co/UZ1RphSK I wonder where it was made. Maybe goes with the Apple (walled) garden set. #
- Added to #WSA research centre FB page after Hargreaves talk but here too. Interesting take on Pinterest and copyright. http://t.co/nwgQqHhb #
- Feed the London Tube system through some software and you have something rather pretty: http://t.co/BZhTL9UT #
- "the book in an age of distractions"? 'rags 'n refuse' as a publishing model. http://t.co/uzneTQSG chapeau @markamerika #
- Simple, just rebrand 'newspaper' as 'internet'. Problem solved. Oh apart from the money. http://t.co/ZEQfd95q chapeau @adamprocter #
- More insights into the Google way. This time how designers get themselves heard. http://t.co/i7nr3vPt #
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