- Those #WSAmacd students talking of developing themselves as a brand, be wary…… http://t.co/FWPHsX3h #
- Another screen or another platform?… http://t.co/mOihBtzi #
- #WSAmacd #039;s most popular post according to Facebook's tracking software is one about Facebook's tracking software…. http://t.co/FKVTtqjF #
- On of the #WSAmacd2012 crew's Album of her major project. If you want to know what it's all about… well ask… http://t.co/fFCHxLpK #
- So, all this groovy Kindle action, still US only? #
- I hate the C word. Every dotcom bubble I've been through has used it too many times. I'm sick of consultants… http://t.co/F3wEgSlB #
- Taking down the #WSAmacd "This took a year to make" Show tomorrow. I guess then #WSAmacd 2012 will disperse…… http://t.co/SR7Thq1L #
- One for you Begüm… http://t.co/0tqJH2wt #
- #WSAmacd Always ask any platform, what can you do that X can't. Think affordances. An iPad is not just a flat… http://t.co/ywraKMAp #
- Dear #newsnight why does BBC impartiality extend to giving Climate Change sceptics equal time to people who know science. Creationists next? #
- I've moved walled garden/surveillance regime: iOS to Jelly Bean. #
- Seuss-isms: Wise and Witty Prescriptions for Living from the Good Doctor http://t.co/X03wq2LI #
- Never trust anyone talking about marketing who says "We need messages that…"… http://t.co/MfbxgVsS #
- Inscription. Bricolage. Montage. Rags 'n refuise (Benjamin) in eInk. Sometimes it what you don't do in design… http://t.co/d07dqpYb #
- Interesting (free) Journal articles on space, mobility, environment and design… http://t.co/g4n9EQ4x #
- Love the fact that Guardian article about who really owns digital content there is ad for Kindle books which… http://t.co/BFBgCpvR #
- Techno optimism? Straw grasping? or whole new way of thinking…. http://t.co/DIsvU6dg #
- More imag(in)ings from the iBook gang. CXHeck out their page too. http://t.co/3ReSaoS7 #
- The 'reach' of #WSAmacd http://t.co/rQg91xG8 #
- Still time to see the #WSAmacd #WSAadm iBook deconstruction. Surveillance cameras, fragmented EULA… oh and the… http://t.co/vJaaspEB #
- Another great example of facebook's reinvention of the English language. This time a content object "reaches"…. http://t.co/GQmxwRqs #
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