- #WSAmacd is not a film studies course but, great example of a film analysis useful for thinking about thinking… http://t.co/PbRWnlN3 #
- London Social Media Week Seeks Volunteers – Visualizer http://t.co/O14b2x2W #
- Looking for a cover image for #WSAmacd handbook for coming year. Vertical, b&w and groovy! Anyone at a loose (design) end? #
- Beautiful first ever colour film. I'm sure someone is working on the App to get the same effects…. http://t.co/sDQNb3vl #
- Another look ahead. #WSAMacd 2012-13 has quite a bit on eBooks and hybrid media, so… http://t.co/xB1HeLRK #
- Google Doodles have nothing on WSAmacd. Now the #WSAmacd 2012 'This took a year to make' Show is over, we've… http://t.co/1SVlt1Nc #
- Visualising Facebook space and the Like economy. We'll be talking aboput data visualistion (and of course… http://t.co/qoYh3frb #
- Just when you thought you had a complete list of screens, systems and objects to design for… http://t.co/SLNyb7xX #
- Gotta love Google Play Store algorithmic sense of humour… http://t.co/EvWByuF6 #
- Email from incoming #WSAmacd student in China, can't access Facebook. Any ideas how they can follow the Wall postings at least? #
- Harman’s Lovercraft arrived. Should I read or will it confuse my Viva preparation. Then again no sign of Viva being organised so… #
- … and following on from that, ffor those of a particular… http://t.co/lOBWZZKo #
- An oldie but a goodie. #WSAmacd this is the world you're designing for. http://t.co/uotvTPLT http://t.co/hbzIAibI #
- Ooo it's fun putting together the #WSAmacd course for next or do I mean this year. So much cool stuff. More to follow. #
- Guest Post: Kathy Shen http://t.co/8MqHwAyt #
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