Dispatch from an advertising future #82

https://newatlas.com/computers/parolees-tracked-artificial-intelligence-prevent-recidivism/ Talent is back in demand again and you’re back worrying about your best people leaving, and understanding why? With Churn (™) we give you hard data to work with. Integrate Churn (™) into your wellness programme (we work with all the major wearable platforms) and we’ll tell you when someone’s thinking of leaving so …

Dispatch from an advertisng future #81

https://interestingengineering.com/google-lens-announces-new-homework-filter-solves-math-problems-with-photo “Learning moments” had changed recently. As the “new normal” was imposed on the schools, and the new National Curriculum and assessment framework had been rolled out, teachers had been programmed to stress STEM skills but, as the remaining industries demanded a creative workforce, there’d been a new emphasis on critical and philosophical “moments”. Questions …

Dispatch from an advertising future #78

https://www.warc.com/newsandopinion/news/content-led-marketing-strategies-are-more-effective-than-ever-for-brands/43959 “An opportunity”: that’s what she’d said as she wearily handed out another redundancy notice. Unlike most hearing that platitude, he’d not got angry; he’d dreamed. At last the chance to write. He looked at the others. Some in their fifties like him. Some just kids, All had their dreams: the novel, the poem, the …