They called me the “ugly duckling”. They were the ones people wanted to see. “It’s a revolution, a whole new world,” the press marvelled. There were documentaries and of course awards. I knew they were the next big thing when commentators used the word “dangerous”. They were perfection. And then there was me. I …
Tag Archives: creativity
Dispatch from an advertising future #96 The shoot was on. The script was finally agreed and the storyboard signed off. The Creative Director was already practising his awards acceptance speech or at least the soundbites he’d use at the next conference. Probably something like “the New Normal calls for abnormal creativity” or something about purpose. Negotiations with the ‘talent’ had …
Dispatch from an advertising future #92 The JammerChip has been around as long as implants. Some say the capacity to think our ads away has led to new forms of creativity as we built ad-experiences people would choose to have. But data from our partners in the gaming, education and health industries’ chips shows little or no neural response to …
Dispatch from an advertising future #85 It’s perfect for me. I know the brand: the Claws battle; the Post Malone votes; the Social Club heritage. I can give you metrics on “Your taste buds notice…” It’s all to hand. I’m a mine of information. But not just Bud knowledge. I collect memes: the classics “All Your Base Are Belong to …
Dispatch from an advertising future #80 They were short stories. Fragments. “Dispatches” the author called them. Like reports from the frontline they were imagist miniatures. They’d drop day-by-day in her feed forming a patchwork of pictures. But now, like the eyes in a renaissance portrait, they followed her. The bedroom speaker woke her with a tale. The fridge picked up …
Dispatch from an advertising future #78 “An opportunity”: that’s what she’d said as she wearily handed out another redundancy notice. Unlike most hearing that platitude, he’d not got angry; he’d dreamed. At last the chance to write. He looked at the others. Some in their fifties like him. Some just kids, All had their dreams: the novel, the poem, the …