They called it a Dark Agency, but the screens and dataflows gave the container an eerie glow. When teams swapped shifts they blinked as their eyes adjusted. The Order came in on one screen. She turned to the Creative Intelligence (™) feed and read off datapoints. ‘Suggested’ CI (™) assets flowed onto her …
Tag Archives: agencies
Dispatch from an advertising future #39 Memo to all staff. This was a very disappointing CES. We failed to win any of the major Advertising Awards and were too slow with Technsponsive Advertising (™). Our tech-centric entries showcased technologies brilliantly (and sometimes even worked for our brands). To fail to be recognised for that focus is disappointing. The real failure …
Dispatch from an advertising future #38 The industry woke to news that Roy Batty has ‘retired’ from Eliza, the agency he co-founded. Eliza has been in the news as clients and the authorities sought to unpick its complex billing arrangements and the opaque financial instruments that made it so influential. Eliza was the first agency to use AI to manage …
Dispatch from an advertising future #32
Google accused of spying with new tool that flags large employee meetings Our teams are creating value; in meetings but also outside meeting rooms. So today we can unveil Put-The-Eye-In-Team (™). Now you’ll no longer have to think about sharing your ideas. Put-The-Eye-In-Team (™) will do it for you. Bump into a colleague by the …
Dispatch from an advertising future #27
The top 5 creative brand ideas you need to know about right now AdTech Age’s algorithms of the week: At Number Five: Emotion Trader. Trade your emotional data faster than ever. At Four we have OnPurpose. Spot that new cause and buy in early. Three is FaceFace’s new MoodMatcher. It’s never been faster to buy …
Dispatch from an advertising future #22
Old El Paso uses conversations to power restaurant He’d not made a ‘contribution’ for 15 minutes. The ‘teamometer’ was moving into the orange zone. Power was ebbing away and he needed to “top up for the team” (™). Nodding or noting weren’t enough. He needed a “zig-zag contribution”. They sent the teamometer soaring as the …